Barcelona’s most popular food markets to eat during your trip

The markets have played a fundamental role in the social life of the Spaniards for many years, especially food markets. During ancient times, these places were the meeting points where neighbors discussed the latest news from abroad, managed the day to day of the community and socialized among them. In addition, they bought fresh and quality products that would become the weekly menu at home.

Today the food markets in Barcelona play a similar role: these markets are neighbors social centers where you can buy fresh products and discover new things. But also have become one of the most popular attractions for tourists. Today, in these markets you can find organic, varied and exotic products that you can buy and take away, or even eat there directly thanks to the bars, restaurants and food stalls that you will find inside. It’s a good choice to eat in the markets, a lot of locals do it!

If you are going to visit the city, here you will find the best food markets in Barcelona where you can eat (or simply visit). A real treat for your senses and a magical experience that shows you a little bit more about the locals’ lifestyle.

Six food markets in Barcelona you shouldn’t miss

1. Mercat de Sant Josep – La Boquería Food Market

Where is it? La Rambla, 91, 08001 Barcelona

When you think of food markets in Barcelona, La Boquería comes directly to your head. Located in the same Rambla Avenue, it is the most central and popular food market in Barcelona. Its great advantage is how well it is located and the wide variety of products it offers, while its great disadvantage is that it is always crowded. Even so, we recommend you visit La Boquería Market and get to know the Kiosk Universal, the most traditional bar in the market. Millions of locals and visitors have sat on their high stools to enjoy their grilled squid, their scrambled eggs with mushrooms and their seafood paellas. You can also try Pinotxo Bar or El Quim, 2 of the main places to eat a good variety of Catalan cuisine.

Special recommendation: A grilled shrimp, clams, mussels and squid grill for € 30? Sign me in.

2. Mercat de Santa Caterina – Santa Caterina Food Market

Where is it? Avinguda de Francesc Cambo 16 Ciutat Vella, Parc, 08003 Barcelona, Spain

The Santa Caterina food market stands out for its numerous organic and vegetarian options. It is an assorted and very colorful market, located almost in the very center of Barcelona and where you can find products of all kinds. But if you want to eat well, we recommend that you look inside for the bar L’Univers, a family restaurant specializing in tapas and seafood of all kinds. At L’Univers you can order chistorra (fried spicy sausage), omelets of all kinds, croquettes and dumplings, and rest assured that everything will be homemade. Simple but delicious cuisine, direct from the market to your mouth.

Special recommendation: Order navajas (seafood) and grilled squid if you really want to know the meaning of the word “fresh”.

3. Mercat de Sants – Sants Food Market

Where is it? Carrer de Sant Jordi, 6, 08028 Barcelona

The Sants neighborhood is full of simple salt-of-the-earth people who know how to enjoy life. And the same could be said about their food market. Sants Food Market is a real social center where you can do all the shopping that people in the neighborhood need, thus favoring local commerce. The Sants Food Market has up to 35 food stalls and 14 clothing and accessories stalls. And besides all this, you can visit the bar Montero, the best place to eat in the whole market. Specializing in seafood and fideuà, this classic bar has an extensive menu of dishes that they begin to prepare from 4 AM every day. That’s why when you arrive you will not be able to decide between trying the cod with mongetes (Catalonian beans), the rice dishes, the Rioja potatoes and much more.

Special recommendation: The fideuà!

4. Mercat de Sant Antoni – Sant Antoni Food Market

Where is it? Carrer del Comte d’Urgell, 1, 08011 Barcelona

The Mercat de Sant Antoni is one of the great icons of the classical Barcelona. Built in 1882, this neighborhood center has been under construction for over 8 years after various Roman ruins were found during its remodeling. It is planned to reopen to the public during 2018. Meanwhile, the provisional market of Sant Antoni is located right next door, in the middle of Avenida Sant Antoni, and has not changed its classic food stalls or the iconic Casa Blanca Bar. In this bar located inside the market you can savor delicious homemade cannelloni, choose from a long list of fish and seafood or sautéed seasonal, mainly mushrooms and seafood. And get ready, because the reformed Mercat de Sant Antoni is going to be even more impressive.

Special recommendation: Do not leave without trying Grandma’s fried snails.

5. Mercat del Ninot – El Ninot Food Market

Where is it? Carrer de Mallorca, 133, 08036 Barcelona

The Mercat del Ninot, located near Hospital Clínic, is a popular food market that offers practically everything. Between its stalls we can find fruit, vegetables, meat, preserved foods, clothes, toys, art and design, costume jewelry and much more. Among the things you can find in the Ninot Market there is a stall called Carns Morales, a specialized meat stand that allows you to take your meat home as well as eat it right there. Your menu consists of sirloins, hamburgers and delicious milanesas that you can accompany with salads, wine, bread and dessert for a more than reasonable price.

Special recommendation: The homemade croquettes

6. Mercat de la LLibertat – Freedom Food Market

Where is it? Plaça de la Llibertat, 27, 08012 Barcelona

The municipal market of the Vila de Gràcia was baptized as the Freedom Market in homage to the French Revolution values. It is one of the most traditional Barcelona markets, ​given that its architecture follows the style of Catalan modernism. The market was constructed in that spot because it was the square in which the peasants came from the mountains and gathered to sell their products. In addition to finding the classic food stalls, inside the market you can find Joan Noi and his bar. In this great fish stand, its owner offers to prepare it the food in the spot, being able to choose between rations of prawns, squid in its sauce and even rice dishes.

Special recommendation: the most popular dish is the tuna with walnut sauce.

Do you really want to enjoy your visit? Try one of these incredible food markets in Barcelona! You won’t regret it!

Featured image: Barcelona Market